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What is sisterhood to Epsilon Beta? 

Sisterhood is...

Having a 2nd home away from home

Friendships that last a lifetime

Cramming 35 girls on one couch every Monday to watch The Bachelor

Having an unspoken, unbreakable bond with Kappas everywhere, whether they are 18 or 81

McDonalds runs at 2 a.m. for french fries and hot fudge sundaes

Being able to call your mom and tell her you went Kappa just like her

Laughing until it hurts with a New Member you just met a week ago

Talking in the snack room for hours about happiness, life, and love

Knowing that 150 women will always be there to support you 

Surprise dance parties in the hallways at midnight 

Blasting Spice Girls in the bathroom while getting ready for a CSU football game

Knowing you can be vulnerable and tell any sister anything

Getting homesick from the Kappa house while on summer break

Something that not only lasts four years but for life


Sisterhood within Kappa Kappa Gamma is...

Nothing like you expected, but everything you were looking for!



Please go to our Sisterhood Scrapbook Album to view pictures of our past Sisterhood Events!